Vision Ventures

To create lasting positive impact and expand the circles of good in Israel and wordlwide, Shari Arison initiated several unique vision ventures through The Ted Arison Family Foundation. These social endeavors operate in several areas of activity, and bring added value to people and the environment.
For more than two decades, the vision ventures serve as one channel within the foundation’s varied scope of operation, which includes key milestone contributions to leading projects that set a benchmark, and additional social investments that are made through its annual grants.

Artport Tel Aviv
The new artist residency program initiated by Jason Arison, Chairman of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, serves as a creative haven for eight emerging artists.

This digital hub connects people online to inspirational opportunities for Doing Good, anywhere, anytime.

IDC Awareness Communication
Encourages and promotes positive communication and media that is aware, responsible, and positively values-oriented.

Good Deeds Day
This annual tradition of doing good deeds for the benefit of others, draws hundreds of thousands worldwide.

Ruach Tova
The Ted Arison Family Foundation adopted Ruach Tova (Hebrew for Good Spirit), coordinators and promoters of volunteerism in Israel. Ruach Tova connects between individuals who want to volunteer and those in the Israeli community who seek volunteers, serving as a one stop shop for information on volunteering in Israel. Individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and businesses in Israel, all turn to Ruach Tova, who also welcome visitors in Israel that want to volunteer as part of their stay.

Essence of Life
Fully funded by the Foundation, Essence of Life operates to realize Shari’s vision.

Based on United Way, Matan connects between businesses and communities, to provide responses to social needs.